maandag 12 december 2011

Paper Prototype

I made a paper prototype to test the user interface and to check how the users feel about the present features in the app. I would like to know whether they think some features are not in the right place there or maybe if they are missing some features they would expect in a mobile version of Toledo.

Here are some photos of part of the paper prototype:
(In total there are about 20 pieces of paper)

After the thesis meeting of today, I will be making some changes to it as suggested by my adviser. So expect a new version later this week.

Of course I can't just sit down with candidate testers and tell them to play around with it, so here is a small evaluation design:

1. Short Introduction

- Introduce myself and my thesis briefly.
- Explain what a paper prototype is and why I made one.

2. Background Check

Ask a little background survey:
- Age?
- Gender?
- Smartphone possession?
- Level of smartphone usage?
- Toledo usage on a smartphone? (regular site)
- Do you feel there is a need for a mobile version?

3. Test Explanation

- Explain the steps of the test.
- Ask them to think out loud.
- Tell them to not hesitate to ask questions or give criticism or suggestions.

4. The Test

- I will tell the testers a small story of a student that wants to use the app that will include a full flow of most of the basic functions the app offers.
1) Locate the next class.
2) Read the latest announcement of that class.
3) Mail to a contact of that class.
4) Check the time of an exam.

During these tasks:
- I will record the test (with the testers permission of course)
- I will count the number of clicks needed for the tasks
- Take note of the path taken to complete each task (if possible)

After the test I will analyse the record and check how many times they asked a question or that I had to help.

5. Free Afterthoughts

Give the tester a chance to openly speak what he thinks of the app.
(I will do this before step 6 so the tester is not influenced by the prepared questions.)

6. Small Survey

- SUS questionnaire (survey for usability)
- Would you use it?
- What features do you think are not necessary
- What features do you feel are missing?

I will try to find at least 5 or 6 candidates for this test during this week, hopefully I can then finish the evaluation in the weekend.

Some comments I already had from my adviser trying the paper prototype:

- Save announcements to a TO-DO list? (native app, Google tasks, ...)
(The same goes for saving classes to Google calendar (or native calendar app)!)
- A share option? (Build in intent in Android, lets you share stuff (like class you
are attending, announcements, etc) through different preinstalled apps, like
Facebook, twitter, sms, ...
- A back arrow? (for iPhone users, Android users have a back hardware button)
- Make it possible to the user to group contacts in different ways.
- Use colors in the next version of the prototype!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Will you be recording audio only? Or video? Or the screen?

    Just curious...

  2. Sorry for the late response. We thought about it and think that audio should be sufficient.

  3. You should have made this 6 years ago, would have been a very useful app for me. Maybe I wouldn't have missed so many classes.
    Well 3 years ago, I didn't have an Android phone before that :)
