woensdag 28 maart 2012

New Planning

A new planning for my thesis:

I'll generally try to work in weeks of thursday to thursday :

Week -6
Tue 27/03 to Sun 01/04 : Presentation + Thesis Chapter 2 - Literature Study
Tue 27/03 to Thu 05/04 : User tests + Evaluation
Sun 01/04 to Thu 19/04 : Google (Android) Integration
Sun 01/04 to Thu 26/04 : Complete Toledo Data Access
Week -5
Thu 05/04 to Thu 12/04 : Thesis Chapter 1 - Introduction
Week -4
Thu 12/04 to Thu 19/04 : Thesis Chapter 3 - Analysis
Week -3
Thu 19/04 to Thu 26/04 : Poster + Final user tests and evaluation
Week -2
Thu 26/04 to Thu 03/05 : Thesis Chapter 4 - Design
Week -1
Thu 03/05 to Thu 10/05 : Thesis Chapter 5 - Implementation
Week 0
Thu 10/05 to Thu 17/05 : Thesis Chapter 6 - Conclusion

I know that this looks optimistic, but I rather aim for the June deadline and miss it only to be well on the way for the August deadline, than aim for the August deadline and miss that one.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. How do you plan to do the final evaluation, if you app will be ready the 26/04 and your evaluation too?

  2. Good point... The idea was to complete the data access during the rest of the implementation phase, as this is not a fundamental element of user tests.
