woensdag 23 november 2011

Blackboard Mobile SDK

Beside their own Learn app, Blackboard also offers a Blackboard Mobile SDK solution. With this universities can create their own app based on the underlying Blackboard services. This is most certainly sometime to keep in mind when I will create my own app. I have tried to find out how to get this SDK, but so far the only option seems to ask for more information. I guess they will need official licensing from the university. So before I send an email, I will finish my evaluation of the other university apps.

Because of this approach, the biggest part of the available university apps on the Android market are of this kind: apps powered by Blackboard with a link to the Learn app. Aside from that, they all offer their own choice of functions, like campus maps, sports schedules and scores etc.

woensdag 9 november 2011


I didn't have much time for my thesis these last few weeks, hence this is the first post in a little while.. (Due to moving, student job, some personal stuff)

I have created a little survey about the possible functions that a mobile version of Toledo should offer. You can find this survey here.

I will try to get as many responses as I can and after that I will post a complete summary of them.