woensdag 11 januari 2012

UI screenshots

Enkele screenshots van de voorlopige UI:


While working on the first phase of my implementation (the UI part), I came up with a list of integration ideas:

- Save contacts to phone
- Add class / office locations to favorites
- Mail integration
- Add event to calendar
- Add whole schedule to calendar
- Add announcement as task
- Add exam to calendar
- Notifications for events / schedule
- Share! (events you are attending, new announcements, ...)

Then I also have to think how I would like to implement these options:

- Campus map: Google maps? openstreetmap? How to link to class locations?
In building navigation?
- Discussion boards (or some other form of communication between students and staff)

All of will be part of the second phase of my implementation. So expect to see solutions in the next few weeks :)