dinsdag 18 oktober 2011


19/10 : Brainstorm possible features + questionary
26/10 : Finish questionary, summarize results
26/10 : Start design web app
29/10 : Start writing code for web app
02/11 : Finish first iteration of web app
04/11 : First report
05/11 : Start design native app
08/11 : Start writing code for native app
16/11 : Finish first iteration of native app
17/11 : Start first serie of user tests
23/11 : Evaluate the results and start redesign both apps
31/12 : First presentation + deadline second iteration both apps
20/02 : End second evaluation
24/02 : Scientific article + start writing code for third iteration
30/03 : Second report + second presentation
11/04 : Deadline third iteration both apps (No more coding!)
18/04 : End third and final evaluation
27/04 : Poster
18/05 : Finish complete draft
08/06 : Ultimate deadline!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. I think you are missing an important step in your cycle. The paper prototyping. With this, you would be able to test your design and get fast feedback before you implement.
    Also, regarding the planning I think you are missing the literature study phase and there is little time planned for both developments.
    I think we can discuss it further in our next meeting?

  2. I knew I was missing some steps.. Thanks for pointing that out, hopefully we can fix the planning during our meeting :)

  3. Would be good to see the updated plan? Also, I don't think it makes sense to go from web app to native app without any evaluation of the web app?
